If the writing is always on the wall why don't more people see it and take appropriate action?
A drastic change in culture never happens without decades of very visible warning signs. The first lesson I gleaned from history is that we don't learn from history. History seems to be a weary rehearsal of mistakes that future generation will commit at a much larger scale as we are seeing. With a basic knowledge of history, you can predict the future of states and mankind.
I made a prophetic watercolor self-portrait in December 2019 predicting a sudden change in culture.
How did I know?
It was a cold December night 19 years ago when I landed in London from Cameroon as a student and teacher of The Law. Twenty-four hours later I began to see the writings on the wall. Ah! The system is a well-rehearsed circus act with a few well-rewarded performers and lots of uninformed spectators. History all over again, dressed up and just much more subtle to appeal to more sophisticated spectators.
The preservation of personal power, which is also known as freedom is your greatest treasure but it comes with immense responsibilities. Through history, there have always been people watching to see how far you will go to protect your freedom. You will be enticed and distracted with entertainment, threatened with wars and rumors of wars, you will be bribed in some cases and lied to repeatedly by eloquent, well-dressed people. Then you will stop seeking truth, though it is written in books you can buy for the price of two coffees, or free on the internet.
I had a vision and saw a man walking on stilts. He made everyone believe the stilts were his proper legs. Then I lifted his trouser legs and woodworms flew out of the stilts. From that moment I knew it was just a matter of time before he hit the ground, crushing innocent bystanders. That man is the global economic system. With or without COVID-19 he was going to collapse spectacularly.
When mankind disobeys natural law, calamity follows and it should be expected. Expect to fracture a leg or two if you jump from the third floor. This is a quote from Maynard Kaynes, the architect of the prevailing modern economic model from his 1920 book (The Economic Consequences of the Peace) "By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens...There is no subtler no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does so in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." I will let you ruminate over that.
The blame game is for the immature. Both the oppressed and the oppressor have responsibilities which have to be closely monitored by both parties. I withdrew from most of society to study and act on my findings which have turned out to be accurate for myself and those I have the privilege of guiding. You can not be treated badly without your consent unless you are classified as vulnerable.
Many people I speak to don't understand the severity of the aftermath of COVID-19 on humanity. You will need to decide to pursue truth, find a supportive community, do independent research on how the table of power operates and how it affects you. You will also need to stay fit and vigilant to make it through.
The writing is always on the wall, but you need to take time off the world everyday to see the world properly.
As for help if you need help. No one has all the answers but some people know what you need to know.
I wish you well.
Stay safe
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